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Great brows don't happen by chance... they happen by appointment.

Commited to your Brows


About Your Artist

Angela Broyles is a certified Permanent Makeup Artist based in Naperville, IL. She comes from many generations of artists in her family and has an extensive background in the beauty industry for over 8+ years starting from makeup applications, facials to finding her true passion for perfecting eyebrows. Brows By Angela offers patients a variety of services and products that will help you feel young, energized and stunning every day. She puts safety first and stays up to date on the best techniques and latest treatment developments. If you’re ready for a fresh start and brand-new brows, e-mail us today and find out more about our services and special offers!

Permanent Eyebrows Makeup in Progress

Brow Artist

['brau:aar:tuhst] noun


A highly skilled artist with magical hands, someone who can not only transform eyebrows, but moods and smiles to boot, a master of patience, perfection and precision, someone who always makes your day. 


see also; therapist, confidante, friend. 

- Unknown

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